Sunday, September 19, 2010


This didn't fit into my last post. And I wanted this one to be its own (note:it's late. Grammar errors are bound to be found. Sorry for that). I'd like to take this time to all talk to you about something that effects a lot of us. It really effects me.  It makes school so very hard at times. The same with life. I know I'm not alone, and you don't have to suffer in silence. I am, of course, talking about GGS.
For those who don't know, this is Gravity Gun Syndrome. "But Fluffy, what's a Gravity Gun?"
 Go fuck yourself. Or just play Half Life 2. They'll both make me happy. Maybe. Mostly the latter. Go google it while I cut myself if you've never played or heard of Half Life 2. Anyway GGS is often seen after about ten hours of playing HL2. As you walk down the street, or anywhere, you see objects. For me it's pallets and those large blue plastic drums. You see these things and thing "I can pick this up with the gravity gun!" and your mind plays out you switching from the Pulse Rifle to the Gravity gun, picking up said object and flinging it at something. A wall. A car. Just into the air. And then you wake up and you realize (as your putting away that pulse rifle that's in your hands. Or wish was.) that the gravity gun isn't real. That you can't pick up that pallet and just hurl it at the wall for the joy of watching it shatter. The best you can do is beat it with a crowbar (if you don't bring a crowbar everywhere with you, the headcrabs will win long before the 7 hour war) and that's just not the same. I want everyone to know that the next time you see someone look at a pallet and watch their eyes go from "kid in a candy store with more money than he's ever had" to "my life is a pitiful shell" in about 2-3 seconds. That he is suffering from GGS. His world has just told him "that video game isn't real. You aren't a guy with a PHD in theoretical physics who just happens to have an awesome suit and kicks total alien ass. Chances are you'll never even get a PHD, let alone a gravity gun." Just go over and tell him it's okay. He's not alone. HL2 is one of the greatest FPSs of our time. And lots of people have gone through what he's going through. He'll thank you for reaching out to him. If he says that's not what happened, whack him upside the head with that crowbar and pray his short term memory is sapped. Because you just made a fool of yourself!
I'm sure it will be the former though. Also, I don't take any responsibility if you're stupid enough to attack someone with a crowbar. It is a good weapon though. 

I'd also like to take this opportunity to tell a quote from my friend Kaylie. "Blades don't need ammo, crowbars don't need to be sharpened." They really are the AK-47 of the melee weapon world.

And these are the blog posts I hope to have more of. I hope you enjoyed this! And I bid you good night!