Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Michael Baying it up in New Vegas

I had made an explosive character and decided to name him Michael Bay. If you don't understand why I'd name him after that director, you've never seen one of his films. At any rate, I picked all the Explosive based perks I could get my hands on, and it made for one hell of an awesome playthrough. I normally just used the grenade launcher (the one that like every boomer has) but I'd break out the missile launcher when I felt like doing a bit more killing. I waltz into the Great Kahn's camp and walked into their main house. I've still not figured out how to convince them that Ceaser's Legion is simply using them, but I don't dwell on it too much. I pull out my missile launcher, stand by the door and point it at the wall behind the leader's table and fire. The resulting explosion is so massive that I lose about half my health, my partner gets knocked unconscious, and every Kahn in the building is dead and and flown all over the house (and blown apart). There are 2 things that makes this awesome. The first is that I yelled "Michael Bay!" before I fired the missile. The 2nd is the fact I was using normal missiles. I thought I had shot a high explosive round by the amount of damage I had done, but no. Maybe the fact I named my character Michael Bay made his explosive damage triple or something. If I was a programmer I'd so do that. Add lines of code into the game that some names effected the gameplay in unknown or little known ways. Buck Rogers would make energy weapons do a lot more, and maybe make more aliens show up. I'm sure it would be a fair amount of work to intertwine it through the whole game, but it would be very awesome to see none the less. One day when I'm programming video games I'll be sure to do something like that.

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